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6.20 Consideration of Evidence—Conduct of the Jury

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6.20 Consideration of Evidence—Conduct of the Jury 

            Because you must base your verdict only on the evidence received in the case and on these instructions, I remind you that you must not be exposed to any other information about the case or to the issues it involves.  Except for discussing the case with your fellow jurors during your deliberations:

Do not communicate with anyone in any way and do not let anyone else communicate with you in any way about the merits of the case or anything to do with it.  This restriction includes discussing the case in person, in writing, by phone, tablet, computer, or any other means, via email, text messaging, or any Internet chat room, blog, website or any other forms of social media.  This restriction applies to communicating with your family members, your employer, the media or press, and the people involved in the trial.  If you are asked or approached in any way about your jury service or anything about this case, you must respond that you have been ordered not to discuss the matter and to report the contact to the court. 

Do not read, watch, or listen to any news or media accounts or commentary about the case or anything to do with it; do not do any research, such as consulting dictionaries, searching the Internet or using other reference materials; and do not make any investigation or in any other way try to learn about the case on your own.

            The law requires these restrictions to ensure the parties have a fair trial based on the same evidence that each party has had an opportunity to address.  A juror who violates these restrictions jeopardizes the fairness of these proceedings [, and a mistrial could result that would require the entire trial process to start over].  If any juror is exposed to any outside information, please notify the court immediately.

Revised Dec. 2020