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16. Patents

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16. Patents


            The Ninth Circuit’s model patent jury instructions have been withdrawn.  The following patent jury instructions are a helpful source:

            United States District Court, Northern District of California, Model Patent Jury Instructions (2017 updated October 2019).  The instructions can be accessed at:




           Other sources of patent jury instructions that may be helpful include:

           American Bar Association Section of Litigation, Model Jury Instructions: Patent Litigation (Matthew C. Acosta ed., 2d ed. 2023).

           Federal Circuit Bar Association, Model Patent Jury Instructions  (2016).  The instructions can be accessed at:

          Kevin F. O’Malley, et al., 3A Federal Jury Practice and Instructions ch. 158 Patent Infringement (Thomson West 2006 6th ed.), available through WestLaw.

          4-86 Modern Federal Jury Instructions–Civil ¶¶ 86.01-86.04(Matthew Bender), available through LexisNexis.  


Revised March 2024